That isn’t your reality.  The 9-to-5 grind is gone, but the stress money can create never seems to completely go away.

You face many issues that sit just below the surface.

  • “I thought I’d be paying next to nothing in taxes in retirement.”
  • “What happens if I get sick, or when I die?”
  • “Am I invested too aggressively for my age?”
  • “Can I still help my adult children and not run out of money?”
  • “Can I afford to have a vacation home or an addition to our home?”
Financial Planning For Retired Person | Successful Money Strategies

Your Roadmap Will Remove the Stress

The stakes are high!  Working a part-time or even full-time minimum wage job isn’t the retirement plan you had hoped for, is it?

You want to know you’re going to be OK.

  • You don’t want to be up at night worrying over your finances. 
  • You don’t want to spend hours each week pouring over your portfolio.  
  • You don’t want to figure out which “pocket” to take money from.  
  • You don’t want to stress over your own death or illness. 

What you want is a roadmap that shows smooth roads ahead. You want to get back to retirement knowing you’re ready for whatever might come your way.

This is a tall order, isn’t it? You’re going to be fine. I’m here to help.


I’m Dennis J. O’Keefe, CFP, owner of Successful Money Strategies.  I’ve focused on helping people successfully retire since 1991.    

Your retirement is supposed to be your golden years – your time to relax and enjoy life.  Just as reduced the retirement stress for my mom and dad, it would mean a lot to me to do the same for you.

Schedule a call with Dennis